Sunday, August 5, 2007

Did i ever live in N.Z??

Sorry for the lack of posts. Just been too busy cleaning all the 600 dishes to do much else except sleep. I've now been here for a month and a bit, and i feel like I've lived here forever. I've been on dish pit for a solid two weeks which has not been very fun. Especially last week for family camp when we worked for about ten hours 6 days of the week! The last week has been very hard, I've definitely had a bit of homesickness/felt like running away because of the horrible dish pit. But things are looking up for this week, I'm on maintenance which is apparently a breeze so hopefully I will be free to hang out and meet some more staff! Last night we had a staff party and went into Nanaimo where we ate lots of pizza, went swimming in the wave pool, then went to a beach and had all you can eat ice-cream. It was really fun and slightly sickly... Oh and since I last wrote a post I've been in a cabin for a week counseling ten sweet 12 year old girls. It was a challenging but awesome experience, and I'm hoping to get to counsel again. Anyway i think thats all for now! Love Emily. xx